Lara and her Afghan hounds / horses
Lara and our beloved Simon ,Simon is now 6 month old
Lara and her girl friend Chilli in Oberhausen,they had a lot of fun together
Lara and Andrea with Frank and Spicey at the age of 8,5 month
Spicey, Lara und Frank
Leila and Lara
Lara and Ryan after their ''Job''
Lara with her
beloved friends and her trainer Francis during her holiday-week in
Thank you so much for all Gunilla and Francis !
Lara and Tessa are making their exercises
Lara and her Juniorhandling with Tessa
Lara has a new friend
Lara with her new family member Tessa
Lara having fun with some puppies
Lara and the pony in Hungria
June 2006
Lara is practicing for the next show...
...with her beloved CHIP!
June 2006
Lara won her first price in Juniorhandling
Way to go!
auf Beobachtungsposten mit Freundin Lara