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News 2015


two boys are available for loving home

new puppy pics at the age of 6 weeks  on their site

new puppy pics at the age of 5 weeks and two days on their site

News 2014


Our puppies were born .Here are the very first pics ......
Stacy and Jason did a great job !


Expo Genf :
Saterday :Billie won V1,CAC,Res.CACIB ,Stevie got V2,Res.CAC under I.Rohrer
Sonday: Stevie won V1,CAC,Billie got V2,Res.CAC,Res.CACIB under N.de Bedout Sknav
Huge congratulation team Steffi !!!

An exciting breeding is done.....

Billie won in Rifferswill under Mrs.M.T. Fassio-Durando (I) V2,Res.CAC
and at the Clubshow : Clubwinner,ClubBOB and the Honnorprice for
Best movement !!!
Huge congratulation !

Happen'z Daredevil won in Berlin Zehlendorf the DWZRV Winner Coursing
and finished in great style his Champion for Beauty and ´Performance !
We are so proud of you and your family !!!

Happen'z Exception prove the Rules ''Duke'' won CAC,BOS,BOB in Hünstetten under respected
Mr. Thiercy Pascal (France).
Huge congratulation Sandra and Edeltraud,we are proud of you !!!

J.D. did it !
 He got his last CAC shortly after finish his pending time
in Köln under Mrs. Krah Heiermann and is now
German DWZRV Champ !
Huge congratulation Uli ,J.D. and family !

Huge congratulation Uli ,J.D. and their whoole family,
a dream comes true.....

Great weekend for Happen'z again .......

Emma ,Happen'z Entertain Me won CAC,Happen'z Freak like Me
won V1,Jug.CAC,Jug.BOB in Tüttleben under Mr. Kuszyk
 and finished with 12 month his German
Jun.Champ at only three shows !
He is still available for the right home ...

Eva ,Happen'z Extravaganza ,won in Gelsenkirchen under Mr. Coppel CAC and was BOS !
Huge congratulation Janet and Eva ! Way to go girls...

Stevie ,Karakush Kat Stevens, won on Saterday under Mrs.Müller V2,res.VDH
on Sunday under Mrs. Piesik V1,res.CAC in Saarbrücken !
Huge congrats Steffi and Steffi !!!

Successful weekend in Münster :
Happen'z Freak Like Me ,first show ever ...JCAC,JBOB,3.JBIS
Happen'z Essence Of My Life,third show..3.CAC,Best male again
Happen'z Entertain Me ,Exc 2
under Martha Heine ,thank you !!!

Happen'z Entertain Me

Happen'z Freak Like Me                                 Happen'z Essence Of My Life

CAC and Res.CAC ,both brothers Justin and Duke

BOB decition  Amelie and Justin


Justin ''Happen'z Essence of My life '' got his second CAC in Oberhausen
Emma ''Happen'z Entertain Me'' got CAC and BOS in Oberhausen
under Mrs. J.Szanka from Hungaria .
Happen'z won later the breeding group again....
Thank you !



Justin ''Happen'z Essence of My life '' got CAC in Schwarzenfeld
Emma ''Happen'z Entertain Me'' got Res.CAC in Schwarzenfeld
under Mr. G.Schäfer first time in Intermediate class


J.D. is very successful in lure coursing too:

12.10. he was first in Sachsenheim ,CACC
8.03. he was third in Merdingen,CACC
30.03. Inter coursing in Lotzwil third Place
Got Prädikatskörung für Schönheit und Leistung !!!
We are very proud of you !!!

Billie won in Salzburg V1,CAC and Res.CACIB ,
huge congratulation !!!

new pics from Happen'z Freak like Me
on his own site at 9 month

Successful day in Offenburg under Mr. Tesic :
Happen'z Dare to Dream won CAC,CACIB,BOB
Happen'z Essence of My Life won Res.CAC,Res.CACIB
Thank you !

Little J.D. '' Happen'z Daredevil '' was successful again !!!
He was 3. placed in WRV Freiburg and got his 2. CACC
Huge congratulation J.D. and his family ,we are very proud
of you !!!!

The show time begins with a very successful weekend in Swiss,Fribourg :
Happen'z Essence of My life won V1,CAC from intermediate ,
Happen'z Dare to Dream won V1,CAC,Res.CACIB from open and
Multi Ch.SBIS Spec.Winner Jazzaro's Say What You Say won CAC,CACIB,BOS
under respected L.Mach (Swiss)
Thank you for the great day !



Happen'z Blaze of Glory   21.06.09 - 27.01.2014

We have to let you go so early  and you could not get the fair chance
to fight against this so agressive cancer.
You had such a good life in your family and we all will never forget you.
There will stay a question .......WHY ?
Rest in Piece Jamie !