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Happen'z Billie Jean '' Billie'' ,4,5 month old
Happen'z Breaking the Law  '' Michael '', 4,5 month old
Happen'z Bella Donna  '' Donna '', 4,5 month old
Now we are 12 weeks old and some of us are available to a loving show home !
Happen'z Bella Donna  '' Donna ''
Happen'z Busy Being Fabulous '' Janet''
Happen'z Billie Jean '' Billie''
 Happen'z Belle of the Ball  '' Belle ''
Happen'z Breaking the Law  '' Michael ''
 Happen'z  Blaze of Glory '' Tiger ''
Happen'z  Building a Mystery  '' Jacko ''
Now we are 11 weeks old !
                                  '' Billie''                          '' Michael ''  
 ''Bruce''                             '' Michael ''                             ''Janet'' 
 Happen'z  Blaze of Glory '' Tiger ''
Happen'z Bella Donna
Now we are 8 weeks old !
Happen'z Bella Donna  '' Donna '', staying at Happen'z
Happen'z Billie Jean '' Billie''

Happen'z  Beyonce in Concert  ''Badi'ah '' ,   owner: Family Matten,Germany

 Happen'z Belle of the Ball  '' Belle ''
Happen'z Busy Being Fabulous '' Janet''
 Happen'z  Blaze of Glory '' Tiger ''
Happen'z  Building a Mystery  '' Jacko ''
Happen'z  Brand New Star '' Bruce'', not available
Happen'z Breaking the Law  '' Michael '', staying at Happen'z

Our Multi Championesse Kingsleah Leila was inseminated with semen from great
Multi,Grand Ch. SBIS Speciality Winner Khandhu Amore Amalfi

Finally !!!  Leila delivered  4 boys ( black mask red,black and brindle,red brindle,black and tan
and 5 girls (domino,black mask red,black and tan,black and brindle,red brindle).

Mom and her puppies are going very well,Leila is a great mom.
The weight of birth was 500-550 g for all 9 puppies.


the boys                                                  the girls          

...........and a little more.........

Our puppies are now 8 days old

the girls                                                                the boys



They are very busy with sleeping and eating the whole day



Now we are nearly 4,5 weeks old  !




Our puppies are now  6 weeks old and had their next photoshoot :

domino girl   Happen'z Bella Donna


black mask red girl  Happen'z Billie Jean


black mask redbrindle girl  Happen'z Belle of the Ball


black and tan Girl  Happen'z  Beyonce in Concert


black and brindle girl  Happen'z Busy Being Fabulous


black mask redbrindle boy  Happen'z  Blaze of Glory


black and tan boy Happen'z  Building a Mystery


black and brindle boy Happen'z  Brand New Star

black mask red boy Happen'z Breaking the Law